About the Project

In 2016, the Victorian Government’s first Gender and Sexuality Commissioner, Ro Allen, undertook an LGBTI Equality Roadshow across rural and regional Victoria. Working with local LGBTI communities, key stakeholders and allies, the roadshow included workshops, community dinners, networking opportunities and other community events. The LGBTI Equality Roadshow visited over 29 towns across Victoria since November 2016.

Storyscape, in partnership with Collective Insights was engaged by VicHealth to undertake an evaluation of the roadshow which included a Value for Money Assessment, Most Significant Change stories, a public document that outlined the model and key findings, and a short film documenting program highlights. Evaluation products can be viewed at: https://engage.vic.gov.au/lgbti


VicHealth, Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet


Research, Filmmaking, Advocacy

Project Date

Jan 2018 – Aug 2018

“We felt really heard, and we felt really supported, and I think it was for the first time we had a direct ear to government, and it was such a great moment for us as a community.”

Program Participant

Wodonga, Victoria

PNG Child Protection Films
Understand Me